Dear Luna,
Nana invited us to come to Mona Vale Beach with her today. She went ahead (cause she wanted to do an early swim) while we prepped for the day out. It's quite cold this morn, so we planned to just let you play at the playground.
Before heading out, bubba checked his work emails. And while he did so, we spent some time taking photos of you cause you're wearing a new pair of blingin' kicks today. You lost your good mood though when you saw a spider while posing at the backyard. Haha.
Anyhoo, we lost track of time that we left the house later than intended. Nana was already on her way home when we arrived at Mona Vale. Of course we still let you play. We even brought you to another playground near nana's suburb on the way home.

H+T 3/4 sleeve top (KMART) on sale $4
yjuyygtjjjjjjjjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (I walked away from my computer and you typed this!)
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